A list and brief description of my current writing projects
I am currently working on writing projects across multiple genres and formats including novels and short stories for adults and children. As mentioned in the website goals and objectives post, almost none of these works have been published.
Middle Grade
Mulrox and the Terrible Ideas (work in progress)
Mulrox, an ogre, harbors a secret desire to become the world’s greatest poet. But despite his dreams of perfection, he can come up with nothing but horrible ideas. Mulrox is ready to swear off poetry forever when his bad ideas suddenly come to life. The malcognitos, as they call themselves, have escaped from their land fleeing an unknown beast that is hunting them down.
Mulrox soon finds himself on a quest to protect the very ideas he loathes, pursued by hoards of glamoured animals, and stalked by the beast from the malcognitos’ realm of SouNous. But when Mulrox starts to receive visions that tell him of a different destiny, Mulrox must decide what is important, whom to trust, and ultimately confront the truth about his creations.
Children’s Short Fiction
Tales of the Glenn (works in progress)
A collection of short bedtime stories about a fun-loving dog named Hubble and his two friends Gween, a lazy and argumentative penguin, and Bear an anxious and over-prepared super bear. The three animals live together in a tree house at the top of an old oak tree. The collection follows the animals’ misadventures in and around the glenn.
“Hubble and the Wild Nails”
“Gween and the Hot Water”
“The Relaxing”
“Gween and the Magic Fountain”
“Bear of the Moment”
“Gween in the Hall of the Seagull King”
“Hubble and the Broken Bridge”
Literary Fiction
Parallax (work in progress)
Julian Atrum is stuck. He can feel his life disappearing before him.He is nearly 30 and despite putting in twice the effort of those around him, he is going nowhere in a job he hates, living out of boxes, and left with nothing but memories of his ex and their life together. When Parallax offers him a job to save their failing product, Julian accepts without hesitation. He knows that with enough effort he can get them back on track.
But from the moment he arrives, Julian is saddled with a group of incompetent misfits, blocked and sabotaged by disgruntled coworkers, and constantly distracted from dealing with the real issues by his hyperactive boss. Despite his determined and dogged effort to put things right, his goals keep slipping from his grasp. As Julian attempts to build a new life in Los Angeles he unwittingly becomes embroiled in the company’s messy politics, stymied by a seemingly impossible house hunt, and perplexed by his attachment to a local real estate agent. As Julian struggles against a seemingly impossible set of odds, he is forced to confront his understanding of the world and his place in it.
Parallax is a study of our complicated and contradictory relationships to work, how we do and don’t derive meaning from it, and what we feel we deserve.
Short Stories
“Normal Breathers” , -ality, Issue, 2011, online
“Street Light”, Reed College Creative Review, 2009, print
Sci-Fi/Fantasy/ Speculative
Untitled Series (Work in progress)